"Because some things are just worth fighting for" Yesterday was a 10 year anniversary of a game that probably changed my life and lives of many people forever — StarCraft II. While I was not a huge fan of that genre when it came out, you know, lets just say a 13 year old isn't really good at playing intense gameplay where you need control so much stuff you almost feel like you controlling hadron collider, the story itself is really what got me in to it. And I can surely say it has one of the greatest most memorable stories that I still refresh in my memory saying "Damn, that was pretty neat". Following the story of a renegade sheriff on the outskirts of the universe - Jim Raynor, fighting against whatever life throws at your way and coming out on top really was something that I haven't experienced in other movies or games. And not to forget — it had everything a good story like that should have: memorable characters, perfect one-liners, fight for love, freedom and kindness. Reaching your goals by helping each other, by reaching through hearts and minds of people, I can surely tell that it taught a lot that still remains valuable up to this day. Personally for me — Starcraft is not just a game, it's something special I will always keep close to my heart. One of those special things that will always motivate me to pursue things against all odds, or "die trying". And I'm truly honored that I've experienced this ride for such a long time and enjoyed every single second of doing it. So Happy Birthday, Starcraft, it was a ride. #Starcraft #Starcraft2 #StarcraftII #Starcraft10Years

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